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Twitter Toolkit

The TwitterTookit is a langchain toolkit that exports some useful tools to create new posts on Twitter, fetch posts, get the latest trends and so on.

This tools can be useful to create a Twitter AI agent capable of writing posts or analyzing the latest trends on twitter.


In order to get the tools of the TwitterToolkit, you need to pass a valid TWITTER_USERNAME, TWITTER_PASSWORD and an optional TWITTER_EMAIL.

This toolkit under the hood uses the ai16z agent-twitter-client to perform request to Twitter.

import { TwitterToolkit } from "@brian-ai/langchain";
const { tools } = new TwitterToolkit({
  twitterUsername: process.env.TWITTER_USERNAME!,
  twitterPassword: process.env.TWITTER_PASSWORD!,
  twitterEmail: process.env.TWITTER_EMAIL,
// import the tools in your langchain agent


Get latest tweet tool

The getLatestTweet tool is a tool that allows the agent to fetch the latest tweet from a specific user given his username.

await getLatestTweetTool.invoke({
  username: "orbulo.eth",

Get trends tool

The getTrends tool is a tool that allows the agent to fetch the latest trends on Twitter.

await getTrendsTool.invoke({});

Get tweet tool

The getTweet tool is a tool that allows the agent to fetch a specific tweet given its id.

await getTweetTool.invoke({
  tweetId: "69420",

Get tweets tool

The getTweets tool is a tool that allows the agent to fetch the latest tweets from a specific user given his username.

You can also pass an optional count of tweets to fetch. The default is 5.

await getTweetsTool.invoke({
  username: "orbulo.eth",
  count: 10,

Post tweet tool

The postTweet tool is a tool that allows the agent to post a tweet on Twitter.

await postTweetTool.invoke({
  text: "Hello, I'm a tweet from the Brian Agent!",